Degustace vín s Fábiem Oliveira. Co my bychom pro vás neudělali! Fábio letí do Portugalska a jeho cílem je najít další vinné klenoty pro vás! Je to náročná mise a vůbec mu to nezávidíme, protože v pracovní den degustovat ví by nechtěl nikdo!
Prohlašuje ale zodpovědně, že si dá záležet!
Čeká na vás 6 vzorků a, jako tradičně, taky portské. A taky tam bude čekat Fábio a João. Fábio proto, aby vám povyprávěl jak degustoval a João vám k tomu něco dobrého k zakousnutí připraví!
Nutná rezervace předem!
We would do anything for you!
Fábio is flying to Portugal to achieve very important objective. To discover new wine treasures for you. It is very challenging and demanding mission and we are really not envious of the fact that he will spend his labour time tasting wine...not a pleasant thing to do at all!
He responsibly announced that he will do his best!
Six wine samples and port wine will wait for you as well as Fábio and João. Fábio to tell you about his tasting experiences and João to prepare something delicious for you.
The reservation is needed!