Mezinárodní kurz WSET Level 2 Award in Wines and Spirits

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20. 10. 2018 - 21. 10. 2018 Celý den

Vzdělávací centrum MKM s.r.o.

+420 702 178 192

Brno, MKM Jazyková škola

Jakubská 1, 602 00 Brno-střed-Brno-město, Česko

Mezinárodní kurz WSET Level 2 Award in Wines and Spirits je určen pro všechny, kdo si chtějí rozšířit své znalosti ze světa vína a destilátů, ochutnat různé druhy vína a naučit se je správně zhodnotit a popsat. To vše samozřejmě v anglickém jazyce. Lektorem je uznávaný holandský Master of Wine Frank Smulders.

WSET Level 2 Awards in wines and spirits is essential for anyone wanting to get into the drinks/wine industry. It provides excellent all-round knowledge. The focus is on active learning which allows participants to take away knowledge that can be applied in practical situations.
20 - 21 October

WSET Level 2 Awards in wines and spirits is essential for anyone wanting to get into the drinks/wine industry. It provides excellent all-round knowledge. The focus is on active learning which allows participants to take away knowledge that can be applied in practical situations.

This structured and informative course explores the major grape varieties and important regions that define the world’s key wines. You’ll learn about production, key labelling terminology and major classifications to help you identify wines with confidence. A basic overview of the key categories of spirits and liqueurs will also be provided.

Successful students will receive a WSET certificate and lapel pin and will be able to use the associated WSET certified logo.

What you’ll learn
* How wine is made
* What factors influence wine style
* The key white and black grape varieties and their characteristics
* The important wine-producing regions of the world in which these grapes are grown
* The production of sparkling, sweet, and fortified wines

Mezinárodní kurz WSET Level 2 Award in Wines and Spirits

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